Preparing the Public to Respond to Opioid Overdose Emergencies
We are committed to doing our part in the fight to reduce the number of opioid overdose deaths each day by expanding access, increasing awareness and educating the public about naloxone.

What My Mom Would Want Me to Tell You if She Were Alive Today
Amanda Lick, Director, Community Health Solutions, joined Emergent to make a difference in the opioid crisis. For her, like many Emergent team members, it’s personal. Amanda lost her mom to opioid overdose, and ever since has built a career around advocating for families like hers.
Educating the Public on How to Be Ready to Rescue
Ready to Rescue is a national awareness campaign sponsored by Emergent to educate the public on opioid risks, the signs of an opioid overdoes and how everyone can be prepared to act in an opioid emergency.
This fall, working with Emmitt Smith*, we will be traveling to college football tailgates across the country to help people learn about how NARCAN® Nasal Spray can help save a life during and opioid overdose.
*Emmitt Smith is a paid spokesperson of Emergent

Reducing Opioid Overdoses
America remains in an opioid crisis. As we continue to address this national crisis, tools like NARCAN® Nasal Spray are a vital piece of any comprehensive solution.
Paul Williams, Senior Vice President, Products Business, shares the importance of expanding access to NARCAN® Nasal Spray and reducing the stigma around opioid overdose in an interview with POLITICO.
Countermeasures: The Opioid Crisis
In Countermeasures, we explore some of the communities hit hardest by the opioid crisis. From the corridors of elder care
facilities to the bustling halls of high schools, hear from advocates, public health experts, and people who are using their lived
experience to make things better for their communities.
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