

Countermeasures Episode 3: Supporting Patients and Families in Crisis

When we deconstruct misinformation and we replace it with science-backed real information from a health lens, we really start to deconstruct and take away that stigma and replace it with a more...


Countermeasures Episode 2: Networks of Support

By not communicating about it, it says that it doesn’t exist…It’s dishonoring the lives that matter to all of us, the lives that matter most to us. — Amanda Lick What to listen...


Countermeasures Episode 1: Responding to Opioid Overdose Emergencies 

I would tell anyone that having Naloxone on you is essentially a sign that I care about members of my community, I care about my neighbors…I consider this to be a sign of good citizenship, to...


Joseph Schumacher’s Manufacturing Love Story

Each year in October, organizations take a step back to recognize Manufacturing Day, and highlight the vital work manufacturing employees do. Manufacturing Day is as much about recognizing employees...


What My Mom Would Want Me to Tell You if She Were Alive Today

A Note from Emergent BioSolutions At Emergent, our mission is to protect and enhance lives by increasing access to potentially lifesaving products. When we acquired the opioid overdose reversal...


25 Years and Counting: David Mark Coven’s Journey at Emergent

As Emergent marks 25 years of protecting and enhancing lives, we spoke to someone who has been there from the very start. David Mark Coven, who goes by Mark, came to Emergent in the spring of 1997....


Emergent Scholars: Meet Denver Brown, Class of 2025

Since 2018, Emergent has awarded scholarships to the children of Emergent employees who plan to pursue a post-secondary education through our Emergent Scholars program. Emergent Scholars is one of...


Emergent Employees Go Fishing, For Good Cause

Joseph Seeley, senior talent partner, may not be a veteran, but that doesn’t keep him from pursuing a passion for supporting veterans both in and out of the workplace. Throughout his career in...


Emergent Scholars: Meet Mason Hill, Class of 2026

Since 2018, Emergent has awarded scholarships to the children of Emergent employees who plan to pursue a post-secondary education through our Emergent Scholars program. Emergent Scholars is one of...


Emergent Scholars: Meet Ritish Natesan, Class of 2027

Since 2018, Emergent has awarded scholarships to the children of Emergent employees who plan to pursue a post-secondary education through our Emergent Scholars program. Emergent Scholars is one of...


Active allyship: helping LGBTQ+ employees feel supported and included

LGBTQ+ visibility in the workplace has become more common in recent years, yet LGBTQ+ employees still experience lower inclusion compared to their straight and cisgender counterparts. Active allyship...


Emergent Employee Wins Maryland Chamber of Commerce “Rising Star” Award

Courtney Delatorre, analyst, defense affairs, was recently announced as a recipient of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce 2023 Rising Star Award. At Emergent, Courtney manages external engagement with...

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