July 30, 2024

Rallying Americans To Help Save Lives During the Opioid Epidemic

You would be hard pressed to find anyone in the U.S. who doesn’t know that we’re in the middle of an opioid epidemic, perhaps the greatest public health challenge we face today. Yet, if you ask most people about the need to be prepared to help save a life in an opioid emergency, I bet you’ll most likely hear them say, “I don’t know anybody like that.” The reality is that drug overdose is one of the leading causes of accidental death in the U.S. and, with the rise in synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, it’s a problem that impacts us all. 

With the opioid epidemic in the U.S. still raging, we hear from people regularly about how our naloxone treatment, NARCAN® Nasal Spray, saved their life or how they used the product to save someone’s life. For Emergent, that was the driving force behind our efforts to make this medication more widely available. We knew that while the epidemic couldn’t be conquered by one singular effort, making naloxone accessible to more people would be a critical step forward.  

These efforts culminated with the March 2023 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of NARCAN® Nasal Spray as the first-ever FDA-approved over-the-counter (OTC) naloxone. This important milestone created an entirely new treatment category as the first opioid antagonist to ever receive OTC designation in the U.S 

We view the FDA approval as recognition that helping to prevent opioid overdose deaths takes all of us, and is a necessary and important part of modern first aid. Yes, most homes have a first aid kit handy for minor cuts and scrapes but, beyond the bandages and antibiotic ointments, people can now be prepared for an opioid emergency, and to potentially help save a life. Given the prevalence of opioid overdose, this should be a “no brainer” to have on hand. 

With the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) figures showing nearly 108,000 drug overdose deaths each year, we recognized that the key to making a true impact following approval was easier access to this medication, knowing that it could give a loved one another chance at life. I’m proud to say that NARCAN® Nasal Spray is now available  in over 32,000 mass drug, grocery, and online retailers in the U.S. Focusing on full chain distribution, we worked with most of the major pharmacy chains and retail giants to ensure that they were not only stocking the medication, but that it was easily accessible – in the pain relief or first aid aisles – making it simple for anyone to grab a box.  

With NARCAN® Nasal Spray hitting the shelves, we knew that was just the beginning and we had to equip people with the right information and resources. Many people lack knowledge about the risks associated with opioid use and accidental overdose and how to use the product if they are ever in an emergency situation, making public education even more essential. As part of our Ready to Rescue campaign, we’re partnering with pro football Hall of Famer Emmitt Smith, who has seen the impact of opioid use on loved ones, to increase awareness about the dangers of accidental overdose and the importance of being prepared to help.  

Knowing that many of those most impacted by the epidemic live in a digital world, we helped drive and guide the conversation on social media via brand channels to educate people about the dangers of opioid emergencies. This was a key piece of our efforts to ensure accurate information was being communicated to the masses. Beyond that, we’ve partnered with influencers who understand the power of this lifesaving medication and the urgent need for everyone to have it. This included individuals who lost family or friends to overdose, parents, mental health advocates, athletes, healthcare providers and responsible festival goers. Posts went live on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, with paid support reaching diverse audiences with compelling messaging that humanized opioid emergencies and prepared consumers to act.  

We’re also focusing on workplace safety, recognizing that the number of drug overdose deaths at work have risen every year since 2012 – accounting for almost 10% of all occupational injury deaths. We continue to work with some of the largest employers in the country to equip workplaces, facilities and hospitality venues with NARCAN® Nasal Spray in case of an accidental opioid emergency, helping to empower employees and ensure they are prepared to respond to an opioid poisoning. 

We know that it’s going to take a concerted effort by federal and local governments, public health entities, the medical and patient advocacy communities and the pharmaceutical industry to change the tides of the epidemic. We’re committed to doing our part to protect, enhance, and save lives, and we look forward to a time when we can move past this crisis.  

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